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Updated: Dec 2, 2023

Catching/Falling, oil on canvas 20x24

Have you ever fallen or fallen behind? Have you ever failed to thrive? Has there been anyone that has caught you or held you up?

A few years ago, a tall evergreen fell in the forest behind our home. But as it went down, a cluster of small maple trees caught it and prevented it from going to the forest floor. Branches broke, but the maples survived. The evergreen lived the remainder of its life on an angle. It wasn’t easy for the maple trees, but they managed.

My high school grandson recently conveyed his thoughts and discoveries about his cross-country experience. Hayden runs like the wind and, over his high school career, has gotten faster, setting many “personal best” records. He loves the Pacific Northwest's great outdoors (rain or shine) as his “track.” This year, he was the team captain. But, this fall, due to poor air quality, asthma, and illness, his running times have not improved to his goals. Undoubtedly, it’s been frustrating that he cannot or has not won races this year, but as I listened to him, I think he had gained far more in the “losing“ than in the winning. In one race, he described how a teammate was struggling and falling behind, so he dropped back to run and encouraged him for the rest of the race. He demonstrated the importance of helping another to cross the finish line rather than making the race about achieving his best time. He sacrificed himself for the whole team's sake, and in doing so, he discovered his relationships with his teammates were more important than winning. As he put it, "'catching' someone is one of the hardest things to do, because it takes so much of yourself, but it is also one of the most fulfilling things you can do." I agree.

As I write this, my heart swells with pride and love for him. I was amazed at his wisdom and grace. I see that he truly has “won” this race, a significant achievement.

As I was finishing this painting, I found myself weeping over the "fallen". It’s not always easy to “catch“ a falling person or to be caught while falling. Either one disrupts your life and may forever change you. Although there can be sadness – the loss of vitality, the bent shoulders, and the desperation of the catchers whose “branches” and hearts break, I do believe that when we bolster and encourage each other, we benefit, even blossom. We grow "taller" and stronger of heart whether falling or catching. I’ve noticed that when I stop and reach out to people, or even ask for help, love expands and this mysterious joy grows within me. Rather than depleted, my soul is nourished. And I am convinced, the bond of friendship grows as well and is held more secure. The "light" we bear together shines brighter yet.

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.”

Ecclesiastes 4:9–10

Post Script: At one point while working on this painting, I realized the composition might be enhanced if I removed the slanted tree, but it also would have removed or erased the story. I remembered learning from Hayden that living a good story is a greater good than running a fast race or completing a pretty painting. Thank you, Hayden. Your wisdom “caught” me.

2 comentários

09 de dez. de 2022

i Love the story this painting tells about life. We need each other, at times catching and at other times being caught. Quite unlike our current society that prizes independence over interdependence. Beautiful message in your art and your words!

Leigh Fitz
Leigh Fitz
04 de dez. de 2024
Respondendo a

Thank you, Tammy, for all the many times you have caught me!

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