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Take Another Look

Updated: May 7, 2023

“Take Another Look" oil on canvas 11x14

"The heavens declare the glory of God;

the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

Day after day, they pour fourth speech;

night after night, they reveal knowledge.

They have no speech, they use no words;

no sound is heard from them.

Yet their voices go out into all the earth,

their words to the end of the world."

Psalms 19:1–6(NIV)

As a painter I do a great deal of reconsidering. I take another look at what I’m trying to capture on canvas. I reconsider color choices, shadowing, edges, and light. I re-think the possible changes that I could make in order to produce a greater composition.

I’ve often thought about the word “reconsider”. The dictionary states it’s a verb that means “to consider (something) again, especially for a possible change of decision regarding it.”


Over the years, as I have studied God’s creation while painting, I have realized that my view of Him has been somewhat small, constricted, and bounded. Seeing His infinite color palette and His mysteries, glory and love colliding in the beauty of the skies, the earth, and the sea has overwhelmed me, forcing my reconsideration. As a result, my “composition” of Him is benefited, a narrow view is broadened, truth is colorized and I’ve gained a deeper understanding of what God is communicating to me personally. As I hear His voice, I am changed and my view futher evolves.  Nature, along with the angels in heaven, cries “Holy, Holy, Holy”, and my voice joins in the chorus.


Perhaps I need to reconsider God’s creative work of humanity as well. He has uniquely made us in gender, ethnicity, height, size, (dis)abilities, and skills, etc . He made all of us in His image, and He called His creation “very good”!  


The impact of reconsideration can be humbling. It means there could be better ways of “seeing” even now.  It suggests a need to take another look and colorize my black-and-white impression of God, His love, His creation, and even His relationship with us. My “walls” and my judgements get smaller and softer, as my love for nature and humanity grows deeper.  Perhaps “reconsidering” is true worship. Maybe that’s why the angels repeat that word “Holy” to the Lord in the heaven – maybe they are continuously reconsidering and praising Him in knee-dropping awe, as in “holy, Holy, HOLY

I invite you to take another look and reconsider with me the magnificence of God!

1 Comment

May 05, 2023

Love this gentle encouragement to include a more robust appreciation for the diversity of God’s image-bearers within our appreciation of his creation.

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